Best First Date? Best Valentine's Date Ever?

By: Carlos Cavallo

If you asked an average guy what's his idea of his BEST first date ever, it probably wouldn’t involve being strapped in the passenger seat of a muscle car and doing donuts in a parking lot.

But that’s exactly what these guys got when they went on a blind date with a professional stunt driver. Thinking they were doing a reality dating show, things started off nice and quiet at a coffee shop.

At first, this badass chick in sheep’s clothing put on a demure act to set up the prank. For instance, she said she wasn’t “that kind of a person” when one guy asked if she was into zip lining.

But the plot twist kicked in when these unwitting dudes got into their date’s new Mustang.

As soon as they climbed in, this badass blonde literally pulled a 180 on them - along with a 90, 360 and other hair-raising stunts.

She showed these guys what she was really about, burning rubber and making them hold on for dear life. To freak out her dates even more, she acted normal and casually kept up the chit-chat as they spun and drifted along the pavement.

With a white-knuckled look of determination on her face, she asked stuff like, “So what else do you look for in a girl?” while their ride screeched across the parking lot.

In real life though, you don’t have to go such extremes just to impress your date. In fact, starting off low-key but memorable should be your plan of attack.

Most guys wouldn’t tell you, but they usually don’t like unpleasant surprises (not counting Ms. Stunt Lady’s well-played prank, of course).

Sure, being fun-loving and adventurous are awesome qualities to have. As long as we know you’re not going to complicate our lives too much, keep the drama to minimal levels and not limit our freedom, then we’re pretty much down for anything.

With that in mind, here are some pointers for a memorable first date:

  • Avoid the done-to-death dinner-and-movie fare. Do something light, casual and pressure-free. For example, try knocking down some bowling pins at your local alley over a couple of brewskis. It may not be as unconventional as making him scream by driving at top speed, but it is a welcome alternative to the beaten path all the same. Plus, he’ll think of you as a fun, cool and low-maintenance chick that he’ll want to date again.
  • Remember: an easy-going vibe will lure him in like a tractor beam. Find something cool to do in between your conversations. The last thing you want is to feel pressured into being romantic right away, or fill every possible moment with small talk. Give your date time and space to unfold naturally, and your guy will be planning date #2 faster than you can say, “We should do this again some time!”
  • Try not to freak him out with soul-baring stories that aren’t meant to be shared so early on. Sure, any guy you’ll meet will have problems of his own, but he’s not going to risk talking about completing his 12-step program or the time he confronted his childhood issues. Remember the terrified look on the passengers in the video? You’ll kind of do the same thing by dropping a revelation out of nowhere. He’ll probably keep a straight face, but his mind will be racing faster than a souped-up Mustang.

But the biggest stunt you could pull on a guy is capturing his heart to make him completely and utterly yours.

And you don’t need to go to stunt driving school just to set yourself apart from the other women he’s dated.

All you need to do is click HERE to check out my Irresistible Desire program. Once you’ve learned the secrets to unlock his heart, you’ll get his motor running 24/7.

Yours, in Perfect Passion,

- Carlos Cavallo


UPDATED 9/30/2021

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