The Program: $39.97 Clickbank Product, 3 upsells in the funnel... You earn a glorious 75% on the program, as well as 50% commission on the upsells.
The Cupid Effect - Get Him Devoted, Enchanted, & Ready To Marry You is a Unique, kickass program that women ADORE - based solely on the theme of Commitment - the basic pain point for most women. Gives her the secrets of how to get him to give her the commitment she desires, it gives her the inside secrets to a man's motivations for committed love...
(VSL is located here.
Pricing Info:
The course is $39.97. There are multiple upsells and downlsells in the funnel:$57, $47, $27..
There is also optional continuity with the offer. (If you would rather not offer continuity and increase your average EPC, we can provide you with a link.)
Tracking and Payments:
All tracking and payments for this offer are through, so you can be
100% sure all sales you make will be credited properly, and that you will be paid on
We are paying out a generous 75% commission on the front end purchase, PLUS
commision on any backend purchases after the sale too. There is a 50% commission on
the upsells.
Just email us and we'll get you what you want!
Simply use our ready-made swipe - ready for you to spin - or completely rewrite your own. Send them to the VSL. No optins required.
We will be adding more options as well, such as a quick article lander, which is good to provide up front value through content.
We will capture bounces and abandons and follow up on them for you. YOU get the sales credit.
If you're fashioning your own swipes for this offer, here is the information you need to know about the offer:
VSL Hook & Big Idea:
- Why does it always start out so wonderful with a guy -
and then he always pulls away?
- Because a man hits a "deer in the headlights" moment -
and needs a special signal to keep falling for you or he leaves...
- The "Cupid Effect" is that signal a man
needs to feel to fall in love
(Note: This VSL, script, hook and idea is © 2019 along with the contents of this program.)
Questions/Additional Information:
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me
Contact Carlos:
Email: carlosxuma at
Skype: carlosxuma
PS: REMEMBER - If you write your
own swipe: My name for the women is: Carlos Cavallo.