6 Of The Best Places To Meet Men - Meet Mr. Right

By: Carlos Cavallo

Do you want to know places to meet men? The Best Places for meeting Mr. Right? You may have been waiting for Mr. Right for a long time and it’s frustrating you. They say you just need to wait and he will find you. But I say, why wait?

%name 6 Of The Best Places To Meet Men   Meet Mr. Right

What if you can easily make it easy for him to find you? What if there are places where you can go to increase your chances of finding him? Would you want to know where to go? Here are the BEST places where you can meet THE ONE. Check them out - and start getting some control back into your life – not giving in to chance. Here they are….

Best place to meet the right guy #1: Online dating sites%name 6 Of The Best Places To Meet Men   Meet Mr. Right

If you are the type who wants to be able to check out a lot of guys but doesn’t have the luxury of time in meeting them, then online dating sites are the right place for you. A big misconception about finding the right guy online is that it’s degrading or demeans you as a woman. Or that it's un-romantic in some way. All of those are myths. It all depends on what your goal is. If your objective is real then you will get REAL. What you put out there is what you get.

One nice thing about online sites is that you can actually “shop” for the man that is most compatible with you. There are millions of guys out there, waiting for you to find them. If you're looking for “the one”, then this is the perfect place to find him. The cool thing is, you can look around without putting your walls up. You can think clearly, and check out each guy that you like with your rational requirements FIRST and then chemistry later.

Best place to meet him #2: Coffee shops

If you're looking for a successful man, chances are you will find him at a coffee shop at some point.

Make sure you drop by in the morning or after work. Not during a break because his time might be limited to flirt.

Just sit at a table, preferably alone so he won’t be intimidated to approach you. Make sure your table is next to where the line is.


Don’t forget to smile and have something to do or read with you. You don’t want to be obvious that you're there just to meet guys.

Remember that a guy will be most attracted to a girl who has her life already moving forward. A woman who has the confidence to move forward in her own life and won't be completely dependent on him. (READ: Needy...)

Where to meet men #3: Dog park

It's been said that dog owners have a lot of the pre-requisites for being a good partner. So if you're looking for that type of guy, go and walk your dog.

If you don’t have one, then time to join your friends who have a dog.

Besides finding the experience relaxing and calming, you’ll notice that there are a lot of guys out there - having fun with their best buds.

%name 6 Of The Best Places To Meet Men   Meet Mr. Right

When you see a guy you like, just walk up. Smile.

Say hi to his dog. Compliment him on the dog.

VOILA. You're on your way to having a good conversation.

And the connection has been made...

Go Here meet the right guy #4: Hardware store

If you like a guy who’s a “handy” man, who can take care of the house… well, you know he'll also take care of you. Check him out at the hardware store.

You’ll see him checking tools and other hardware.

%name 6 Of The Best Places To Meet Men   Meet Mr. RightIt's easy to start the conversation, just say something about a problem at your house that needs fixing. Ask for his opinion or his help.

Remember, guys LOVE it when a woman asks for his expertise or makes him feel like he can fix something. It allows him to be the "fixer" and the hero - even if it's only in a very small context.

Find the right guy #5: Friends of friends

If you're the type who’s confused as to what type of guy is best for you, then your friends can help you out with this.

Who knows you better than them, right?

So, let your pride take a backseat and ask your friends for help. You never know, maybe the guy you’ve been waiting for was there all along.

%name 6 Of The Best Places To Meet Men   Meet Mr. Right

The number one way that both men and women want to meet a potential partner is through their friends, so you have to use your social network as much as possible.

Go to parties, events, and any kind of social get-togethers.

Best place to meet the right guy #6: Volunteer groups

The most overlooked place to find the right guy are volunteer groups.

Check out the nearest foundation or charitable institution in your area. Sign up and volunteer.

The good thing about this is, you know the guy you meet there has a good heart. The fact that he takes time to do a good deed means that he's got the compassion and spirit that will make him a good candidate.

%name 6 Of The Best Places To Meet Men   Meet Mr. Right

And when you're working together, conversation won’t be a problem. Everything will just fall into place.

There you go - six of the best places to meet the right guy for you. Remember that you have to do your part to find him. Don’t just put everything on a roll of the dice.

You have to expose yourself to opportunity as much as possible.

You can stay at your house, be with your family and friends, but that won’t give you more opportunities to find the right guy.

Only to listen to them tell you about why they think you're not in a relationship - and that gets really old fast.

Expand your horizon, go out there and have fun.

If you want to learn how to be irresistibly desirable to him, go watch this presentation...

Yours In Perfect Passion...

- Carlos Cavallo

Click here to learn about places where to meet eligible man.


UPDATED 9/24/2021

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